Are hedgehogs good runners?

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On average hedgehogs can run at 6.7 mph. That’s roughly twice as fast as we humans walk (3-4 mph).

So, yes – hogs are great sprinters!

It’s a feat to see their tiny feet scramble behind them in a hurry when you see them running! In fact, they could easily outrun you if they were your size. The trouble is – their legs, however strong and fast, are not their first line of defence!

Dougal knows his spikes are sharp and prickly – and there aren’t that many animals that would like to experience them! So, when faced with danger, a hedgehog will freeze and ball up rather than run.

Sadly, this strategy doesn’t work with human generated dangers – like cars, lawn mowers or hedge trimmers… So, always check the area before you use your lawn mower or a hedge trimmer. And, watch out for hedgehogs crossing the road after dark!