Hedgehog facts (Q&As)

These posts are full of Hedgehog facts and stats. If you love our prickly little friends as much as we do then find out how you can best care for them.

  • How can I keep hedgehogs safe?
    Reading Time: < 1 minute Hedgehogs are great at getting into trouble so please don’t make it easy for them. Cover up any holes such as those for fence posts or unguarded drains. If you have a pond or a …
  • How far do hedgehogs roam each night?
    Reading Time: < 1 minute Each night Dougal wonders out for food and, like other hogs, he can cover the area of around 1.5 – 2 miles (roughly 2 kilometres). So, if you want to help Dougal and other hogs …
  • Are hedgehogs good runners?
    Reading Time: < 1 minute On average hedgehogs can run at 6.7 mph. That’s roughly twice as fast as we humans walk (3-4 mph). So, yes – hogs are great sprinters! It’s a feat to see their tiny feet scramble …
  • Do hedgehogs swim?
    Reading Time: < 1 minute Hedgehogs are excellent swimmers! Just not long distances. And, as the name suggests, they “hog the (h)edges”. It means they tend to keep to the edge of a reservoir. So, it’s no use having a …
  • Do hedgehogs hibernate?
    Reading Time: 2 minutes Well, that very much depends on the weather. In the recent years, winters have been getting warmer and wetter. Especially in the south of England, where Dougal currently lives. So, Dougal and his spiky friends …
  • Where do hedgehogs live?
    Reading Time: 1 minute Dougal is “royalty” and lives in a purpose-build hedgehog house. But, most of his spiky friends usually make themselves at home under your shed, in a compost heap or in a log pile – it …
  • What do hedgehogs eat?
    Reading Time: 2 minutes The sun is out and the spring warmth has reached the ground, so our spiky friends on Badger Farm and Oliver’s Battery are now active or waking up from hibernation. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and …